Worship Times
Sundays 8:00 & 10:30 am
Mondays 6:00 pm
First they questioned Jesus’ miracles. Then they grumbled about him. Then they argued about him. Finally, they turned away from him completely. For the past month, we have listened to John 6 recount the sad spiral of many disciples away from their Savior. It gives us insight into the sad spiral we have seen in those who used to follow Jesus with us – and the ways our relationship with Jesus has spiraled in the wrong direction as well. This weekend, we learn the worthlessness of our flesh and listen to the life-giving words of the Spirit. Don’t turn away from the Lord! Our sermon will be on Exodus 7:8-13.
Click here for this weekend’s bulletin.
Click here for this weekend’s announcements.
God’s blessings on your worship and your weekend!
Pastor Bode